Great Bowden Pre-School  |  Church Hall  |  Dingley Road  |  Market Harborough  |  Leicestershire  |  LE16 7ET

Tel: 07790470411     Email:     UK Charity: 1039424

  © Great Bowden Pre-School 2019

Home Contact Information About Us 07790470411
Great Bowden Pre-School
Est. 1984

Times & Prices

Opening Hours

Sessions available Mon to Thurs between the hours of 8.45 and 3.15 and Friday between 9 and 1.

We offer Morning, afternoon and full day sessions subject to availability.


The cost per hour is £5.00.


When your child is eligible for funding, if they do not do more than 15 or 30 hours (depending on what they are entitled to) there will be no additional charge, apart from outings and parties.

We take child care vouchers.

Funded Childcare Places - Further Information  - Click Here>